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Our impact...

Welcome to Employ-Ability

We are proud of the work we undertake with our clients.

Below are some of the amazing journeys that we have had the pleasure to assist with.

Client Stories

A journey to recovery and success

Our client, a 43-year-old female, came to us in July 2020 after having been made redundant from a job she loved and having gone through a heart-breaking divorce…

Client Testimonial; back to basics

When I first started working with my ES, I was unsure of what skills I had to offer as up until then, I had just focused on the practical experience as given on my CV in black and white…

The difference Employ-Ability makes in Education

Our client was referred to our Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Service as, initially, a Job Retention case: a teacher in their late thirties with a diagnosis of bi-polar disorder…


Employer Stories

Providing an invaluable service

Our client was referred to Employ-Ability as her mental health declining so much that she could no longer leave her house. It declined so much that she struggled to speak to people over the phone, which was one of the main ways of communication in her role.

Coaching and Support

Our Employment Retention Specialist (ERS) met with a lady who had a job as a receptionist for a clinic, and had taken a few months off with anxiety and stress. During their first meeting, our client explained how she did not feel as though she was in a state to go back to work…

Maintaining Employment; keeping a long serving member of staff in post

Our client, in their fifties, was referred to Employ-Ability after 17 years working in a fitness club. After eight months’ absence from work, whilst they provided palliative care for a disabled sibling…